Underdog is an adaptation movie from a cartoon movie series Underdog. It tells a story about a super dog named Underdog. One day there is dog who was once join in the police force, but because of his troubled smelling sense, he was cast out from the force. Not long after that he was caught by a stranger named Cad and end up in a cage as an experimental animal.
The mad scientist Dr.Barsinister is doing a research with the animal as the specimen.But the dog managed to get away.The dog was contamined by the serum from the lab. This serum gives the dog a super power.
The dog run away and meet the security guard from the lab named Dan.Dan was once a police, but he had retired. Now he work as security guard in the lab where Dr.Barsinister is doing his research.Dan’s car was accidentally bump into the dog.
The dog was alright.Dan take the dog home with him.He want to keep the dog.He gave the dog name Shoeshine, because he like to lick shoes. Dan’s son Jack didn’t want the dog at first. Because he thinks that keeping a dog is only cause trouble for him.
When Dan is going out, he entrust the dog to Jack. Jack was surprised when suddenly Shoeshine talks.Shoeshine also can do many great things. After he finds out what this dog can do,he make up his mind and keep the dog.He gave Shoeshinea name tag.
Dr. Barsinister is searchingf for the dog, he want to catch the dog and take a blood sample to make more serum for his evil purpose. Jack has a friend named Moly from the school newspaper. They meet in the park while Jack is talking to Shoeshine. Jack had a crush on Moly.Moly also have a dog named Poly and Shoeshine had a crush on her too.
Suddenly Moly was attacked by a burglar in the alley when she is going home. Shoeshine hears Moly’s scream through his super hearing sense and he quickly go there and saves her. Jack is making a suit for Shoeshine for his superdog costume to hide his identity. So Shoeshine begins his superhero works as underdog and saves many people.
He became a famous superdog and headlines in everywhere. At the end Dr.Barsinister managed to find out who is underdog and where he lives. He captured Jack’s father Dan to bring Underdog to his nest.And he take Underdog power to build an army of his own.
Will underdog be able to get his power back ? will he be able to save the world from the evil Dr.Barsinister who wants to rule over it ? See for yourself.
It’s a very funny family movie and its great to be watch with the entire family. A small dog with a great superpower was a good combination.Saving the world one paw at the time.
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